Dan English is, I believe, the first person to publicly review my PowerPivot book. And since I’m linking to it here, you can imagine he said nice things .
Dan is a full-fledged BI Pro so it’s flattering that he took the time to read something written by an Excel guy like me.
The review is a quick read but here’s the last paragraph:
“The book is really invaluable and the price is a steal. The length was exactly what I like, short and to the point, I don’t want to read a 800 page door stopper, anything in the 300 or less page range is perfect (that is why I liked the Rational Guide books by Rational Press) and supplemented with links for additional references and more content if desired. The material and insights that Rob covers is fantastic. The disconnected table concepts as well as performance tips are PRICELESS. I would highly recommend this book and without a doubt give it a five star rating.”
Oh and Dan, I fixed a typo in that paragraph
(Dan is famous for finding typos and yes he found some in my book )
Let me know about other reviews?
If you have written a review or are planning to, please let me know and I will link to it. And if you’d like to review it but don’t have a blog of your own, I’d be happy to publish your review here. Just let me know.
Real Thursday Post is STILL Coming
Nope, this doesn’t count as my Thursday post either. I just saw Dan’s review about an hour ago and was excited to share it.