Well folks it looks like Amazon has shipped most or all of the pending orders, so the delay is over. Sorry about that – it was out of my hands.
Now there’s another problem: Amazon doeesn’t think this is a spreadsheet book:
Data Warehousing IS Appropriate for My Book, But Spreadsheets Would be MORE Appropriate
By comparison, Bill’s PowerPivot book IS classified as a Spreadsheet book:
Bill Jelen’s PowerPivot Book (aka MrExcel) IS Classified as a Spreadsheet Book
If you get a chance, please drop by the Amazon page for the book and leave a review. In the review maybe you can point out that the book is about Excel and should be classified as a Spreadsheet book?
I don’t think they will listen (Bill already tried to get it classified as Microsoft > Spreadsheets) but if they hear it enough maybe that will give us the justification to ask them again.
Click Here for the Amazon Page
Thanks everyone!